Prayer: The Ultimate Game Changer…by Ps Mike

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7 And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Prayer changes things!

In fact, its the Ultimate Game Changer.   Many of you have heard my story how at 29 years old I became 80% paralyzed with Guillen Barre Syndrome, and I was quickly losing my ability to breathe.  Within weeks I went from a strong 210 pound lifter to 170 pound and bed ridden! It was devastating to say the least, but the fact that the Syndrome was worsening my condition daily made us all downright scared, including the doctor. On night number 8 in the hospital, that doctor who ordered me to be put on a ventilator that night because my lungs were failing.  We were mortified, as that would make my recovery from the syndrome 3 times as hard.

My wife Holly went into spiritual dynamo mode.  (She’s so awesome like that!).

She insisted the doctor wait until morning, and then began to call everyone who knew me, all around the world and asked everyone to pray that I could somehow increase my breathing ability through the night (this was before the internet, email or cell phones, so this was no easy task!).
From Boston to Moscow, God’s children were on their knees.  One person she didn’t get to later called me to see how I was, as that night he was awoken by God to pray for me for 2 hours.  
(He knew nothing of the illness).

It was a rough night of prayer for me too, but to make a long story short, the doctor came in at 8 a.m. with his fancy machine…and Holly said, “STOP! You need to check him!”  The nurse said, “Doctor’s orders.” But Holly said, “No, Check him!”
So they did, and guess what….my breathing and lung capacity actually increased over night. Holly in her bold way pointed at the door, and they took the machine away.  

Praise God! Prayer was my game changer!

Prayer changes the situation from the best you can do to the best God can do.

Cornelius prayed and an angel appeared giving him instruction how to get saved.
Paul and Silas prayed and the whole prison was shaken and their shackles broke off.
Elishah prayed and his young fearful assistant suddenly saw countless angels surrounding them and he was filled with courage.
When the Church prayed an angel broke Peter out of jail.

Prayer prepares us for change and for transformation. And prayer gives us an unexplainable peace, because when we pray, we are placing something into the able hands of the Creator and Sustainer of life (That’s Jesus - Colossians 1).   That should bring peace.

What are you anxious about lately?  
What has you pressed in so that you cannot see what God has for you in this life?  What is keeping you from moving forward?
Prayer is the game changer!
Maybe all is well in your world, but there are others He is calling you to pray for?  
Maybe, like me, THEY need a game changer, and God’s nudging YOU to pray for them.

The point is – we try so hard at getting ahead, fixing things, or realizing our dreams…when in most cases….we simply need to get on our knees and let God get to work.  
And now that we are fasting…we should have some time on our hands!  

Next Step:
1. Set aside regular times of prayer each day (yes, more than once).   It doesn’t have to be long. Even short prayer pauses can rejuvenate your soul and make a difference in someone’s life.
2. Keep a prayer list or journal with you. (You don’t want to forget things).  Write down the request - and go back and revisit it often.
3. Watch. See what God does. Is He filling your heart with peace? Is He answering one of your prayers? Write it down and give Him the praise!

Praying for you in this last half of the 21 Days!
Pastor Mike

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